A high level technical advisory committee for Biomass Energy Strategy (BEST) has been formed under the chair of Dr. Krishna Chandra Paudel, Secretary of Water and Energy Commission Secretariat. The committee comprising of 15 members have been formed to guide the BEST formulation process including setting of targets, monitoring progress as well as providing strategic inputs. The members of the committee have met here on 12 January 2014 to review the background and current status of the process.
The other members of the 15 member committee are Mr. Sunil B. Malla, Joint Secretary, WECS; Mr. GopiNathMainali, Joint Secretary, National Planning Commission; Mr. Krishna Prasad Acharya, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Forest and Soil Conservation; Mr. KeshavDhojAdhikar, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Energy; Mr. Gokarna Mani Duwadi, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Science Technology and Environment; Dr. PravakarPantha, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture Development; Mr. Gopi Krishna Khanal, Joint Secreary, Ministry of Federal Affaris and Local Development;KedarBahadur Adhikary, Joint Secreary, Ministry of Health and Population; Mr. PurnaBhaktaTandukar, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Women, Children and Social Welfare, Mr. Rishi Raj Koirala, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Industry and Mr. Shaligram Singh, President, Nepal Engineering Council. Similarly, energy experts Mr. Tara NathBhattarai and Mr. RajuRimal are also the members of committee. Dr. Govinda Raj Pokharel, Executive Director of AEPC is the Member Secretary of the committee.
Click here for more information on NEEP Component 1
Click here for information on earlier event on BEST
Click here for more information about BEST
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Energy Efficiency? |
Energy Efficiency, is the goal of efforts to reduce the amount of energy required to provide products and services. |
(In short terms: Do more with less) |
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